Monday, August 29, 2011

Euler's Identity

Screen cap of the Identity,
by way of WolframAlpha
If you were to name the single most beautiful equation, what would you say? Would you say the first thing to come into your mind, such as 2+2=4? Something a bit more complex but still conceivable, such as the Pythagorean Theorem? Or would you agree with the readers of The Mathematical Intelligencer and name Euler's Identity as number one?

So, what is Euler's Identity if it's so great? Simple explanation, check Wikipedia. It is based off of Euler's Theorem, and combines 5 amazing numbers, as explained in the article. I've seen the proof, yet it still boggles my mind a little bit to think that numbers as hard to understand as e and π could be reconciled into a simple, logical number, let alone throwing i into the mix. Despite the difficulty of fully understanding this concept, I still hold it as a fact and I think that this is a wonderful example of math working despite our lack of knowledge of how it works.

I've mentioned this idea of knowledge based on faith before. Just as I have seen the proof of this identity and can tell you that it is good, I've tested The Book of Mormon and can tell you it is true. You need to do this for yourself, since that is the only sure way you can learn of the truth. You will discover a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and learn that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored church on the earth. You have my testimony before you, and now you need to test it out for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. It has come to my attention that not everybody knows that "Euler" is pronounced like "Oiler." It's a German name.


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