Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grace and Works

A previous post I mentioned a topic that I've heard much discussion about, grace vs works. Often, somebody will complain (erroneously) about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as requiring its members to work for their salvation. This idea comes from a misunderstanding of a verse in The Book of Mormon, which states that "we know it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do" (2 Nephi 25:23). I know that it is through grace that we are saved, and that it is only through the infinite atonement that we can experience exaltation, resurrection, or even joy. I also know that many people misunderstand the idea of grace, and I hope to eliminate that misunderstanding today.

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 for a different type of work.
First: what are works, and what is grace? Works (in this instance) are the actions we take in this life, and grace is the "help or strength given through the Atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ" (source). The entire disagreement can be solved by realizing that grace is not a magic moment that makes us perfect, but is instead a constant companion that helps us become better or strengthens us during trials. Since this is the case, of course we are going to do "works" in this life because we are applying the grace of Christ throughout our lives. It is not the grace that comes from works, but the works that comes from grace. It is not through donating a certain amount of time or money, nor is it only breaking a few commandments. It is through having enough faith to repent and apply grace to our lives that we receive exaltation. Does that make enough sense?

However, it is only sometimes that naysayers of works simply mean that all our sins are covered by grace. Other times what they are really attacking is the doctrine of baptism. This is a complex topic that can involve priesthood authority, modern day revelation, and a discussion of the Godhead; instead, I will deal with it simply and direct you to more devoted sources. Baptism is a commandment and an essential ordinance, and so just as with other commandments we won't be truly repentant until we follow it. This reason is good enough for me because of a simple word: testimony. I know through personal revelation that Jesus Christ restored his true church through Joseph Smith, so I know that our modern prophet is also the mouthpiece of God and only tells us the truth. I know this from my experience with The Book of Mormon. I know the true way to be happy.


  1. The tension between grace and works reminds of other Gospel tensions. We should be humble, and acknowledge that we are nothing without God, but we should also be confident/certain of our magnificent heritage. We should accept the will of God in all things, but we should also pray earnestly for blessings.

    It can be easy to overthink these seeming dilemmas, and grind to a halt. While it would be best to have a perfect understanding of how everything seamlessly meshes together, it is better to at least keep trying to be perfect, keep praying for God's mercy, keep doing both.


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