Saturday, November 5, 2011

Satan's Viruses, Fighting Back

This is the final on a series of posts about malware. Here is the introduction and here is the previous one.

It is easy to see the huge amount of malware out there and the hold that Satan seems to have on the world and get discouraged. Fortunately, we have ways to counter both malware and Satan! First would be being smart and not placing ourselves (or computers) in places where we could easily be harmed. To do this we need to learn where bad things tend to linger. On the Internet, there are many sites that are put up with the desire to trap users and infect them with malware. The smart way to use the Internet is to avoid websites that you don't trust, know what you're going on for, and not to fall for ads that don't promise you anything needful. For more guidance on how to use the Internet, ask somebody that knows more than you through experience or study. In real life this guidance is found is such forms as "surround yourself with friends who desire to be [trustworthy]" (President Packer), "avoid unnecessary debt" (President Hinckley), or to "seek after the kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:33). For the Internet you might ask an Internet-savvy friend, but with life you can ask God and listen through the scriptures and prophets.

Of course, we are imperfect and we might get caught through a clever trap or take a risk because we think we know what we're doing. This is where the second line of defense comes in. With the Internet, every connected computer should have an antimalware or antivirus program. This is a program designed to block access to malware, catch problems before they become too big, and keep a computer safe on the Internet. These programs function much like the Holy Ghost. He will guide us in our day to day lives as we allow him to, protecting us from Satan's attacks and help us change our ways before we become trapped. As long as we follow the guidance and direction of the Holy Ghost we will not be vulnerable to the wiles of the devil.

Unfortunately, simply having the guidance of the Holy Ghost is not enough protection. We can still choose to ignore him, just as we can choose to turn off antivirus protection. At times it may seem tempting to do so, such as experiencing an earthly pleasure or visiting a particular site, but in the end it leaves us open to attack. When we are attacked, we will be placed in a situation that is beyond our control and we will often be without the help or guidance of our protectors (Holy Ghost or antivirus). Fortunately, there is still help. If a computer is badly infected, there are steps to either restore it to an uninfected state or go through and fix all the infections. For our lives, we have our Friend, our Brother, our Savior Jesus Christ. He suffered for us so that we wouldn't need to suffer the full pain of our sins. I know that Jesus Christ has accomplished the Atonement for us, and that through his interposing and infinite sacrifice we are able to be forgiven of our sins and receive his loving help in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. We've talked about the insidious "porn-ado" problem, how awful it is if you click the wrong thing and suddenly more and more immodest pictures keep popping up and you are clicking desparetly to close, cancel, get out. Sometimes just turning the computer OFF, running away, like Joseph in Egypt-even if it means you run away without your coat, or finding what you were searching for on the computer that day. Learning to filter sites, using the precautions and safety nets available help, but you still need to role-play and have a plan in place to stay virtuous. I've enjoyed this series of your blog posts!


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