Thursday, August 18, 2011

On Infinite

If you were asked to describe infinity, what would you say? The basic definition is "An unbounded quantity greater than every real number" (WolframAlpha). If you follow the link, you'll see that there is a more in depth answer given as well, which includes some mathematical stuff. However, can you grasp it in its entirety? For example, take an infinite amount of something. Take a finite amount away, be it 1 or 10100000000  (that's a 1 with 100000000 zeros after it) or even more, and you still have an infinite amount. This is something that is basically impossible for the human mind to grasp, since when we think of an amount we almost always can think of a larger amount.

Now, there are many scriptures that reference infinite or a similar word, eternity. What is an unfortunate fact of being human is that we cannot fathom what eternity means, yet we are told to be "even as [Jesus Christ]" (3 Nephi 27:27) and to be "perfect, even as [our] Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). How can we, imperfect humans that we are, become perfect?

The yellow is what is being measured
Instead of answering that immediately, try out a thought experiment and think of the largest number that you can think of. Now, add one to it. You now have a larger number. You can keep going forever. Now, think of the smallest (absolute value) number you can. Then divide it by 2. Same problem. Yet the smallest numbers, when added together, can still be greater than the largest. Don't believe me? Take it to a calculator. What this link is doing is taking 1/1 plus 1/2 and so forth until it is 1/∞(which equals 0), or is the area under the graph of 1/x (represented by the yellow just above), and comparing it to 1000000. The smallest numbers added together are infinite, and so they are naturally bigger than any number you can input.

How does this apply to us becoming perfect? Each step we take towards perfection is small in the scheme of things. We become better people "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little" (2 Nephi 28:30). It is through the combination of all the "lines," "precepts," and "little" things that we eventually become perfect. Just as the integral of 1/x eventually becomes infinite, so too do our lives eventually become perfect as we use Christ's strengthening and infinite Atonement to better our lives a little bit each day.

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