Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thermite: Aluminum

Onward to the next ingredient: aluminum. This is where the fire is, and this is what is actually burning. While the rust makes it possible to burn as long as there is heat by providing oxygen, the aluminum makes it possible to burn at high temperatures due to its high boiling point. It can be slightly harder to get, but it is also used in so many applications that it's seen more often than rust in some situations. For thermite, it needs to be untainted and a fine powder.

In my comparison, this is prayer. The reaction you'll be experiencing will be during or because of a prayer. You might not be comfortable just praying right off the bat, or you might pray every hour of the day already. Regardless of your previous experience with prayer, the prayer you'll need for this is special and focused towards a specific purpose.

The main purpose of your prayer will be to know if the studying you've been doing is good, or, in other words, if the Book of Mormon is true. Fortunately, we have guidelines to help us know how to go about praying for this specific purpose. It is found in Moroni 10:4, where we learn the key parts from each clause of the sentence:
  1. "ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ,": Pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. I know that there are those that are uncomfortable doing this, but this goes along with testing the fruit to see if it is good. Give it a try, you never know what might happen.
  2. "if these things are not true;": Have a question in your mind and in your prayer. Simple enough, right?
  3. "ask with a sincere heart,": To get your answer, you must mean your question. Asking flippantly, asking because somebody is telling you to, or asking with a closed mind will not work as well as desiring to know if God really has restored his Church in this day.
  4. "with real intent,": This is where things get more interesting. While it sounds like the previous bit, it actually relates to your willingness to act on the answer. If you want to know if the Book of Mormon is true for scholarly reasons, you are less likely to receive your answer than if you want to know if it is true to help you decide if you should join the Church that I represent.
  5. "having faith in Christ,": For most Christians, this is easy. Otherwise, remember that faith is related to hope (Hebrews 11:1 see also Alma 32:21), so having a hope in Christ is the first step towards having faith.
  6. "he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.": This is a promise. The previous 5 parts are the ingredients and instructions of the recipe; this is the result.
You have received a promise that you can know about the truth of the Book of Mormon yourself. It might not be easy to refine your prayer for such a specific purpose, but I know that it is possible and you will get your answer. I know that I have, and that it took many years before this promise was realized in my life. You can trust me and the millions of others that all promise that this knowledge has blessed our lives. Or you can take this recipe up and find out for yourself.

Now, if you've been following along, you have successfully gathered some studying and spent some time praying. You've created your thermite mixture; now you just need to light it and you'll have an amazing reaction.


  1. This entire comparison has been excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the science bit that you did a great job explaining. And I thought it made a wonderful point. Granted- it is technically that Fe 3+ that you need. In our lab, we just use ferric oxide.

    You could also talk about how after that big explosive result: things are still hot. But they cool *relatively* quickly. Need to keep stoking that testimony with other kinds of energy.

  2. As I mentioned at the very beginning, I have a bit of an understanding of chemistry. It is from Emma that I learn more, seeing as it is her specialty. That said, I'm taking a few ideas for my next post.


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